Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Fallacies of Threats and Frivolous Lawsuits Against Terry Elementary School and Agape Church


The letter sent to Terry Elementary School by Appignanni Humanist Legal Center (AHLC)on behalf of the Arkansas Freethinker Society (ASF) addresses the issue of whether or not the school, and therefore the state, is “forcing” the student or family in question to participate in a definite religious activity, that is to say a prayer or devotion to a specific faith or religion and in this case Christianity itself. This of course can be the foundation of a compulsory worship dictated by the state, but the question of the manner of which this was addressed is the question. AHLC referenced abstract legal jargon as well as court cases, both of which are applicable until closely referenced, seem to compel the what would have been the defendants to acquiesce to the needs of the minority, which oddly enough is anonymous. Nothing was considered about the direct philosophy and rhetoric that is openly posted by ASF and its member’s true ambitions were considered by Agape Church before their hastily decision to prostrate themselves before humanists who have no concern for the children but more so for advancing their cause.  The letter was sent, but the polarized fanfare it received compelled the pastor of the congregation to act hastily , and in my opinion without good cause. The fallacies of AHLC’s ultimatum to the school was not fully addressed and in this the intolerant tolerant gained a platform to speak from.

Any reference to these matters to ASF for open discussion into their views outside of the threat of a lawsuit is often met with ad hominem attacks with little substance, which negates any real discussion and reason that Freethinkers claim to embrace. A great deal of petty insults are made against people of faith, and with the idea of victory that they believe they have gained they will most certainly find motivation to apply their agenda to every appearance that there is some state “compulsion” in practicing a particular faith.

Before I state my views I have to acknowledge my personal stake in this ordeal: there is none outside of differing opinions of those I address. I am not a member of Agape Church, but I am a practicing Catholic. I have no children in any school district and none of my friends have children enrolled at Terry Elementary School. However what I observe is a growing trend of humanist and secular “Freethinkers” that pursue the idea that Separation of Church and State dictates that any observing of one’s personal faith should be within closed soundproof rooms as to  preventing offending one with an opposite view. In my Open Letter to the Society of Arkansas Free Thinkers I directly addressed the questions in a frank but respectful manner. The purpose, as with an open letter, was to open mature and honest dialogue with those within that group. Unfortunately, my words were met with jeers and intellectual attacks that brought no credit to ASF’s cause, but rather exposes the nature of who they are as a group, save for the Vice President Anne Orsi. I also believe that directly insulting a person or group brings no open dialogue and this group in question, if they desire this dialogue would perhaps discern there own responses and statements with more maturity. Even though Benjamin Franklin was disgusted by Age of Reason, he was still able to address Thomas Paine in a frank and compassionate manner. They did remain friends even after the work was finally published.

I would also like to state what I believe humanism is. It is peculiar that they had to recompose their manifesto after World War II after it was clear what the implications of following Darwin were. If humanism is a belief, and therefore a “religion” if you will, we are exposed to their “faith” on a daily basis. Their wishes for open abortion, divorce without cause, promiscuity and absolute diabolical views show we faithful are “forced” to experience their beliefs on a daily basis.  Those of  the Faith never force others to accept Christianity, though historical critics would disagree, for we understand that it must come from a sincere change of heart.

The Issues 

First would be the “enlistment” of APHC by ASF as a means “correcting violations of separation of church and state at Terry Elementary School in Little Rock”. First the complaint was made by a concerned “anonymous” parents and furthermore ones, according to the letter, with religious beliefs. Why is it, that a family with “religious beliefs” go to ASF, the very group that is against religion (read any of there dialogues or ideology and this is more than obvious) to receive help? Also the Vice President of ASF is more than militant with her disdain for anything faith based in or outside of a school and applies her knowledge as an attorney just to help this very oppressed family? She had never heard of APHC and sought out their assistance against this great injustice? They would have us to believe that their agenda does not exist, and all of this came together at this very moment to halt the “state mandated religion“.

What of the “anonymous” parents?  Are we to believe that the children would be “bullied or ostracized”? Basic human nature says that this is a possibility, but can it be said that the educators at this elementary school would allow this? If that is true then the school itself needs to be addressed in the manner that any bullying for any reason is not acceptable. As too often, the plaintiff in these cases “fear” for their safety as if the Salem Witch Trials would immerge as a method of dispelling one’s ability to choose a faith. It was the perfect moment for ASF to apply the methods of humanists being used everywhere here in Arkansas. Are we beyond the defendant knowing their accuser? Is the defendant the head of a criminal enterprise that has the power and lack of morality to apply force to those that may challenge their status? Would the revealing of the plaintiff’s identity cause such a social problem for a child that it would be better to remain anonymous? Is the superintendent, principal and teachers at this school so “close-minded”  that they would not allow a parent to address these concerns in a manner befitting compassionate adults?  No. As with any Agent of Invention, the lawyers and the small minded who support them with very little discernment, pervert the wisdom of the Founders along with the court cases that addressed something completely different to apply their agenda of humanist “religion“.

For reference, this is the letter posted by Central Arkansas Coalition on behalf of  The Arkansas Society of Freethinkers and Appignani Humanist Legal Center

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