A Letter from America to the US Veteran
Dear Veteran,
I would like to take a moment to thank you for defending the very wonderful Freedoms that I present to my People. They have no grasp of what it is to be free, but I give them small doses of what I think it should be. This will suffice for now but the important thing is we have men and women like you to defend me, and that I am grateful for.
I must say that I have changed over the years. When I first came about there were men who gathered in one of my cities to propose ways to allow the populace as a whole to exist in a land of plenty without the thought of tyranny from a Crown thousands of miles away. They were men of many faiths, and a few with no religion at all, with recent memories of state ran religions and theocratic wars in the Mother countries in which they were descended from. In their great words they put on paper there was an appeal The Creator. This Providence which dictated through the likes of the Jews and early Christians the greatest way to bring prosperity to the greatest number. The grievances were Declared to the Crown, and the many brave took up arms from their own walls and gathered to defend my soon to be birth. When the tyrants of the old country were cast, they met again to uphold their promises of writing the social contract which would bind Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness to the people who existed in the land. This Constitution made clear that the authors were just men and their faults of human nature would be kept in check and balance by others worthy and virtuous enough to hold an adjacent office.
Over the years, tyrants rose again and I called on brave men like yourself to defend me. I even once asked you to go into terrible battle against your brother for the dignity of the slave and his right to be free as yourself. You were asked to cross the oceans more than once with no true promise of return and to carry my colors into the horror of war. Some of your brethren returned to a grateful People, and other still lie where they had fallen.
But, I who am America, am only as good as the People as it is them I am made up of. Liberty, that is the freedom to exist within the natural and moral code has new meaning to them. I have done away with the natural laws of Moses and his descendants to only replace them with relativism and arguments made from invented theories and doctrines. No longer will a man and woman marry to give my land more children, they will use medicines to stave off children and if they are created from natural action I have given them permission to take them from the womb before they exist. My land is filled with poor and " feeble-minded" so it is of no consequence that they are extinguished before their lives take hold in the world. The people who still do believe in the Creator will not appeal to Him or take up the cause of their Faiths to defend him, and the minority who do not acknowledge Him find power in my courts to suppress His laws in every public place. Their ideas of morality will be as scattered as the doctrines that they are written on. Now that the peoples idea of natural function is only for pleasure and there is no wrong I will gladly allow man and man, woman and woman, or a man with several wives to enjoy what they believe to be the fruits of marriage to be.
The United States of America
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