Every day we come across a story that at the very least makes us blink and loose what ever great thought we had at the particular moment. Sometimes they are profound that in our busy lives we assume that some action group will take up the banner to right the complete absurdity of a proposal, only to find that every one else thought the same way and did nothing. With the comments that follow, I had assumed The Garland County TEA Party would have went full charge, knocking down barricades and doors to scream at the issue and they might have had it been a Democrat suggesting such a liberal use of county funding.
The object in question is that Tommy Thompson, the long standing Garland County Tax assessor, requested $94,000 for the use of planes in photographing the county. Mr. Thompson, you probably already know this, unless your office is like most other elected offices in which the holders of them tend to forget what life for those around you is like, $94,000 is a pretty nice salary anywhere and maybe a high bracket here in this state. I imagine that around here that would easily split into two nice salaries. But I digress; if the county is that wealthy then spend away!
Back to what I am reading here. Mr. Thompson wishes to spend this money for a plane to photograph the whole county. Sir, Google Earth is free. We can even see the new looks of Pyong Yang every thirty days, not that it would change, but I am sure Garland County is covered in the small ole Google’s scope. Oh? It might take some work to assess and evaluate all of that? I am pretty sure someone out there in this economy can do it for say.. $94,000? I bet you can hire a whole team for that! But then again I am not smart enough to calculate the costs of fuel into that of someone getting paid to drive around and ask people to show what else they have that needs to be taxed. Maybe you could ask the Garland County Tea Party to volunteer since they seem to be fine with it?
The last thing is the odd forecasting that is done on this one. Maybe the Tax Assessor should turn on the news and see that maybe the three years he needs to recuperate the funds spent on flying over people’s property may not be a sure thing. We are running at full speed to run this county so far into the ground we will need the rubble of Greece to level it back out. Is he assuming that people in Garland County is hiding such a great deal of property that these extraordinary measures need to be taken as so that they are not depriving the county of some enormous fortune?
I am not sure if Mr. Thompson got the requested funds, and it isn’t as if I could do anything about it. From what I can see he is an upstanding man with a great deal of education from a seminary. But this I am certain of Sir, when you are in office you can be either ignorant or you can be corrupt, but you can not be both at the same time.
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